Locked Down Browsers

What is a lock down browser

Lock down browsers are applications that can lock down accessibility that a user has to their device.This is useful when administrating tests or trying to get students focused on a task.

Naplan Lock Down Browser

The NAPLAN lock down browser is now the official NAPLAN testing app for the Parramatta Diocese. This app is a lock down browser, as soon as the student enters the app their accessibility to the rest of the iPad and the iPads functions are restricted. This means that as soon as they start the test the student is unable to:

  • Exit the app
  • Lock the device
  • Turn off the device
  • Change the volume
  • Access any other apps or screens
  • Use spellcheck and other grammar/spelling correcting software
  • Execute OS commands like 'Ctrl-Alt-Delete'

This is useful as it allows tests to be administrated on any NAPLAN approved device, while being certain that the students aren't able to look up the answers.


Classroom is an Apple app that allows teachers to manage student devices. This app, when installed on a student and teacher device, allows the teacher view any students screen from their device.

The teacher is also able to lock down a student device to a specific app. This allows the teacher to re-focus disruptive students and help them stay on track.

HSC Minimum Standard

The HSC Minimum Standard test is designed to help tell if students are ready to undertake the HSC. It runs tests on reading, writing and math. These are the basics traits that are needed in everyday life after school. If you are completing the HSC in 2020 you must have received a band 8 or higher in the reading, writing and math NAPLAN tests.

As of 2021 and onwards, students will need to complete the HSC minimum standard tests in order to receive the HSC. Starting in year 10, students receive two chances a year to pass the tests, until a couple years after the HSC.

Janison Replay

The Janison Replay lock down browser is the browser that UNSW uses to administrate their tests.

The UNSW tests are designed to reward academic excellence in schools. The tests are tailored every year to the current curricula, so that students are able to demonstrate a deeper, integrated and thorough level of understanding. To ensure an engaging and beneficial experience, the tests are custom made annually, for every subject and every individual grade.